Color differences

  • @UHM, ich möchte ihn auch nicht verwirren, sondern ich wollte nur wissen, ob die Fensterscheibe ersetzt worden ist und dann könnte man davon ausgehen, dass es ein Unfall war. Auf der Scheibe steht auch das Baujahr. Anhand dieses Baujahrs kann man den tatsächlichen Zustand feststellen.

    I don't want to confuse him either, but I just wanted to know if the window washer had been replaced and then you could assume it was an accident. The year is also on the disc. Based on this year, it is possible to determine the actual condition

    - Seit 6.2016 Astra K ST INNOVATION 1.6 CDTI mit serienmäßigen Quickheat - 136 Diesel-PS mit Automatik und in Azurblau -

  • Ab wann gab es denn Quarz Grau?? @Opelaner1970
    Die vordere hälfte scheint Quarz Grau zu sein, die hintere das andere hellere Grau welches es MAL gab...
    Was aber genial ist... Dach über den Rahmen scheint auch Beilackiert worden zu sein... (wenn Du genau hinschaust siehst du den Übergang)

    When was Cosmic(Quarz) Grey introduced....
    - the front looks like quarz grey
    - the rear looks like the other grey which was offered before quarz (cosmic) grey was available...
    What is intriguing is, even the roof above the doors looks as if it has been done... you can see the colour change towards the back...

    What colour is the car meant to have?

    Astra K Ultimate Edition (MY 2018) 5-Türer 1.4T 150PS S/S (MT) - Quartz Grau // Zusatzausstattung: Schwarzer Dachhimmel, Dynamic Fahrwerk, Diebstahlsicherung inkl. Warnanlage u. variabler Ladeboden
    Bestellt am 05.10.17 // Übergabe am 06.12.17
    Geplante Anpassungen:
    LED-Innenraumbeleuchtung - Erledigt
    LED-Kennzeichenbeleuchtung - Erledigt

  • Die Frage kann ich leider nicht beantworten, da ich selber auch nicht weiß.

    I cannot answer the question because I do not know myself either.

    - Seit 6.2016 Astra K ST INNOVATION 1.6 CDTI mit serienmäßigen Quickheat - 136 Diesel-PS mit Automatik und in Azurblau -

  • Ich kann das nicht genau erkennen. Aber es könnte auch "nur" eine nachlackierte Türe sein.
    Vorn und hinten sieht für mich gleichfarbig aus.

    Astra K 5 Türer - Innovation - Onyx Schwarz - Schalter 110 KW mit S/S - EZ 31.01.2017

    17" Alu 5 Doppelspeichen - Innovations-Paket IntelliLux - Navi 900 - LED Matrix Licht - Winterpaket 1 - AGR Sitze Fahrer und Beifahrer - Solar Protect®-Wärmeschutzverglasung - WIFI Hotspot - uvm.
    Sonderzubehör: das blaue Dingens

  • The door looks definitely different. Looks like a replaced or newly painted door after a crash or damage. It was sold "without any damage"? Very strange!

    Who is the seller? A private person or a company?
    The question is, do you have any time limits in your contract regarding warranty or not documented damages because of the "free of damage" passus and a possible protest?

    Bis 09/2024 Astra K+ ST Innovation 1,4 L (150 PS) S/S, MJ 17, EZ 02/17, Quarzgrau metallic, Winterpaket, IL900 uvm...

    Ab 09/2024 Grandland Benziner, AT, Ultimate, Royalblau metallic mit schwarzem Dach EZ 07/2023
    oranges Dingens :D

    Das ist potter / Klick Vorstellungsthread

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von potter ()

  • And may be the door is overpainted caused of scratches.
    It's a difficult work for a painter to get 100% of the color, specially metallic.

    Astra K 5 Türer - Innovation - Onyx Schwarz - Schalter 110 KW mit S/S - EZ 31.01.2017

    17" Alu 5 Doppelspeichen - Innovations-Paket IntelliLux - Navi 900 - LED Matrix Licht - Winterpaket 1 - AGR Sitze Fahrer und Beifahrer - Solar Protect®-Wärmeschutzverglasung - WIFI Hotspot - uvm.
    Sonderzubehör: das blaue Dingens

  • thanks for the all comments.

    It was a car dealer in Aachen but I live in Munich.

    The car had like 13K when I brought it and I bought it as unfall frei.

    The contract is a sheet of paper from the dealer and he also wrote by his hand writing that the car is unfall frei.

    Last month I was in the opel dealer for the first inspection and he said that my car is from Bulgaria and the first owner did something that he could not read and he also did not give me anything since it was personal data :/

  • The easiest way now is to contact your dealer in Aachen and tell him right this, that there were some undefined works and if he is able to investigate this fact. Otherwise I don't think that you have any opportunity to do a protest. The time gap between purchase and now is too big. Sorry, my opinion. :(

    Bis 09/2024 Astra K+ ST Innovation 1,4 L (150 PS) S/S, MJ 17, EZ 02/17, Quarzgrau metallic, Winterpaket, IL900 uvm...

    Ab 09/2024 Grandland Benziner, AT, Ultimate, Royalblau metallic mit schwarzem Dach EZ 07/2023
    oranges Dingens :D

    Das ist potter / Klick Vorstellungsthread

  • I called the dealer and instead of me being angry he was so angry that I even mention this issue. He told me that it was painted due to the scratches and he was not supposed to tell me anything. When I asked for unfallfrei bescheid he hanged up the phone!

    Isn't this my right to get a bescheid?

  • "Unfallfrei" means that there are no damages for example at the frame, due to a heavy accident. Scratches are nomally not part of this " unfallfrei" issue and the dealer is right so far.

    Sorry, but it was on you to protest against the obviously painted door before or shortly after the purchase, but not after 4 months.
    To be honest, the dealer would have done a better and reliable job if he had shown you this or mentioned this when selling the car.

    But you have bought the car 4 months ago " bought as shown" and I don't see any possibility to protest against the deal. Only the dealer could show a kind of " goodwill", but he is not supposed to.

    Bis 09/2024 Astra K+ ST Innovation 1,4 L (150 PS) S/S, MJ 17, EZ 02/17, Quarzgrau metallic, Winterpaket, IL900 uvm...

    Ab 09/2024 Grandland Benziner, AT, Ultimate, Royalblau metallic mit schwarzem Dach EZ 07/2023
    oranges Dingens :D

    Das ist potter / Klick Vorstellungsthread