Opel astra k, bj2017, 1.6d, 110ps...geräusch

  • Hello guys, my deutsch is not perfect so i hope you can help me in english.... i put video down and please after look if anybody know what could that be?? that is without kuplung, when i press the kuplung than its ok i dont hear anything.

    Best regards

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  • Hello Senadol87 ,

    If there are noises that can only be heard when the clutch is not pressed and these noises disappear when the clutch is pressed, then this could be the clutch release bearing. Unfortunately, I couldn't hear anything specific in your video.

    With the 1.6 diesel engine there is sometimes special noise in connection with unusual axial movements of the crankshafts, but others with more diesel-knowledge have to say something. Maybe you're looking for it here or in the Motortalk forum.

    greetings Uwe

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