Has there been anyone a picture of the Ambient Light Inside the car? I was wondering how it looks at night.

ambient lighting
Has there been anyone a picture of the Ambient Light Inside the car? I was wondering how it looks at night.
Its kind of difficult to get a picture - you need a very good cam to get the right impression.
From what I can say is that I really like the ambient light in the doors - it gives a nice loung feeling. The ambient light for the console at the center is not worth a mention. But the doors are really cool! The complete bottom of the where the handle is, is illuminated with a very decent led strip in white - not dazzling but like I said giving a lounge feeling.
I´m very happy about it.
Check around 1min 40s:
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bei 1:40 sehe ich die el. Fenster.LG
Watch few minutes from there. He shows exterior and interrior at night.